Thursday, July 3, 2014

C4Ta #3

The first bog post that I read for my C4Ta was William Chamberlain's I Admit it, I Am Biased. I Prefer Classroom Teacher Led Sessions. He talks about how when he goes to a conference he would like to hear from a teacher that actually uses the tools in their classroom that are being talked about. He has been to multiple conferences that the speaker is not even a teacher that uses the new tool that they are presenting. He also says that whenever he presents at a conference he wants to take his own experience and talk about it. I think that you would get more out of a conference when the tool being introduced is presented by a teacher that actually uses the tool. When a teacher actually uses the tool they can bring their own experience and give different examples of how they use it in the classroom. If the presenter does not actually use the tool in their classroom then they can't exactly tell you how you can use it in the classroom.

The second blog post that I had read was William Chamberlain's Why Do I Have to Learn History? In the post he talks about how a little question can make you have to sit and actually think hard about the answer. There is no exact answer to this question and everyone has their own answer to why they think that they have to learn History. I have also answered this question in an earlier blog post.

 Learning Tools

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